Foreword from the CEO

I would like to welcome you to OSOD where we are setting the standard for the delivery of ocular services.

Our university-based leaders in biomedical research study the full range of ophthalmic diseases in a wide variety of species within every element of the visual system. Our dedicated veterinary and physician ophthalmologists and pathologists as well as vision scientists conduct research aimed at identifying the physiological, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms contributing to the onset and progression of glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, cataract, wound healing, and diverse ocular diseases affecting all components of the visual system.

We work closely with CROs, to assist in the identification and development of lead ocular therapeutic compounds and ophthalmic devices, and in the evaluation of ocular toxicities in non-ocular therapies. Over the past decade, we have participated in the execution of over 2,000 industry studies. In addition, we have conducted a number of university-based studies and have lent our expertise to "in house" industry projects. Together, we are committed to improving the lives of patients with ocular diseases and disorders.

We invite you to explore our site, review our research and development activities, and contact us to find out how we can assist your ocular drug or device development program.

Christopher J. Murphy, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVO